The best treatment for tonsil stones, if you want an instant result -how to get rid of tonsil stonesThe gold standard operation for tonsil stones is traditional tonsillectomy. But it's expensive, dangerous and very painful.
Tonsil crypt with debris beginning to turn into a tonsils stone. A cause of bad breath and soreness.Also a cause of bad breath and halitosis. The crypts can be completely removed using local anaesthetic spray only, a lunchtime laser...
Bad taste and breath but no tonsil stones or teeth/gum problems?Sometimes patients with bad breath and taste don't know they have tonsil stones, they just fall out and are swallowed. It's still...
Large pitted tonsil with a deep pocket under the flap in front of it. A major cause of tonsil stonesThis deep pocket can be completely opened up by laser vapourising the majority of the tonsil bulk. This can be done at HealthHub London,...
Chronic Illness and tonsils, is there a link?M.E., Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia are all chronic diseases that have been linked to chronic tonsil infection. Often there is...
Catarrh and postnasal drip can originate from the tonsilsCatarrh and postnasal drip can originate from the tonsils.