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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery
Snoring#1. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser. The rules:
Discussion of the options for snoring treatment from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic may still leave tonsil stones needing a second procedure
Second stage laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray required
Long thick uvula causing snoring and choking sensation. Can also be related to postnasal drip.
Snoring and postnasal drip
Tonsil stones form in holes in the tonsils They cause sore throats, bad taste and bad breath.
Tonsil stones and tonsillitis
Blocked nose treatment
Blocked nose treatment
Double tonsil defect with tonsil stones deep within.
Tonsil with tonsil stones. Needs local anaesthetic spray laser tonsillectomy.
Lasers in Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
Lasers in ENT. Realistically only a few procedures where it really works to the patient's advantage. #tonsillectomy #blocked nose
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