Nose unblocking surgery in clinic. Using the Holmium YAG laser under local anaesthetic.Nose unblocking laser turbinoplasty under local anaesthetic in clinic. This procedure has a high patient satisfaction rate.
Snoring #7. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.Snoring treatment is multidisciplinary, CPAP can be very effective when tolerated by the patient.
Snoring #6. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.Snoring treatment, surgical and non surgical. Snoring can always be eradicated, it just depends on how far you want to go.
Snoring #4. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.Snoring treatment. A blocked nose is a very common finding in snorers it can be effectively treated with a combination of sprays and surgery
Snoring #3. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.Snoring treatment when the uvula and soft palate are very elongated. In this situation laser palatoplasty may be very effective.
Snoring #2. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT- laser.Snoring treatment
Snoring#1. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser. The rules:Discussion of the options for snoring treatment from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Blocked nose and snoring. A clinic based alternative to septoplasty.Snoring is often due to nose blockage. Nose unblocking in the form of septoplasty can be involved and expensive. Here is an alternative idea