Snoring #2. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT- laser.Snoring treatment
Snoring#1. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser. The rules:Discussion of the options for snoring treatment from a multidisciplinary perspective.
A Classic Snorer's Soft PalateSome snorers have a very long soft palate and uvula, in this situation a laser palatoplasty under local anaesthetic can be very helpful.
Tonsil stones cause discharge, bad taste, bad breath, sore throats and tonsillitis.Tonsil stones are pieces of food and general mouth debris that lodge in cracks and holes in the tonsils. They are compressed into firm...
A large tonsil stone in the right tonsil. Tonsillitis and ear pressure are associated.Tonsil stones, tonsillitis, bad taste, bad breath. All part of the spectrum of disease caused by the palatine tonsils. Laser tonsillectomy.
Tonsils with deep crevices and holes, plus underlying chronic tonsillitis. Not healthy.Tonsil problems treated by sequential intracapsular laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray in clinic.
A tonsillitis sufferer until a single laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic sorted it out:Laser tonsillectomy for tonsillitis
Post Nasal Drip - a common problem but poorly diagnosedWhite streaks of mucopus coming down from the natural sinus drainage points and reservoiring in the post nasal space before dropping into...