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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery
Nasty abscess in tonsil remnant
Laser release of tonsil pus
Study on laser tonsillotomy compared to traditional tonsillectomy
JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(2):e2148655. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.48655 Quite a good study, although the mean of 4 days before return...

The advantages of high definition examination when looking at tonsils and tonsil stones
Here is a deep crack in a tonsil. By going very close up and into the crack you can actually see debris in the bottom, which is the...
Tonsil stones psychology and the need for repeated treatments.
Tonsil stone treatment using laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray: those with obsession about tonsil stones need >1 treatment.

Laser tonsillectomy under general anaesthetic. A rare post op occurrence:
This looks like a cavity has developed inside the remnant of a general anaesthetic tonsillectomy that was already very unusual as it had...

Tonsil stones and tonsillitis
Tonsil stones and tonsillitis can be treated with laser tonsillotomy under local anaesthetic spray in clinic.

Large sore looking tonsils cause recurrent sore throats, bad breath and snoring
Large tonsils can be a real nightmare for people. The option of tonsil removal, even the old fashioned way, is not widely available as...

Tonsil stones can cause bad breath, bad taste and recurrent sore throats
Tonsil stones are white lumps on the tonsil surface, they can arise from deep. They are made of food and salivary debris which gets lodged.
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