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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery

Versatility of the high definition video endoscope at HealthHub means no scope down the nose.
High definition video endoscopy is not widely available due to its very high cost. However it does offer real advantages.

HealthHub. Where your calls are answered politely and promptly, relaxed atmosphere. Friendly people
HealthHub. Where your calls are answered politely and promptly, relaxed atmosphere. Friendly people. Mike Dilkes ENT Surgeon is here.

Flexible disposable endoscopes - time saver in laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray.
Laser Tonsil surgery under local anaesthetic spray is a very effective way to help tonsil problems. Not everyone is suitable.

Hard to believe this hole is not the cause of tonsil stones
Tonsil stones, tonsillitis.

Hard to believe this is just impacted food.
It looks more like a tooth coming out of the right tonsil in this man. However the treatment is the same, laser vapourise it right back...
Tonsil stones. Again. It seems a common problem without an easy solution. But there is one.
Tonsil stones may need more than one laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray to completely eradicate them.
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