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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery

Blocked nose due to a deviated nasal septum. This is a common cause of snoring.
Blocked nose due to a septal deviation can be nicely treated by septoplasty.

Nose unblocking surgery in clinic. Using the Holmium YAG laser under local anaesthetic.
Nose unblocking laser turbinoplasty under local anaesthetic in clinic. This procedure has a high patient satisfaction rate.
Snoring #7. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Snoring treatment is multidisciplinary, CPAP can be very effective when tolerated by the patient.
Snoring #6. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Snoring treatment, surgical and non surgical. Snoring can always be eradicated, it just depends on how far you want to go.
Snoring #5. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray for snoring treatment. A lunchtime procedure that can be very effective.
Snoring #4. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Snoring treatment. A blocked nose is a very common finding in snorers it can be effectively treated with a combination of sprays and surgery
Snoring #3. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Snoring treatment when the uvula and soft palate are very elongated. In this situation laser palatoplasty may be very effective.
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