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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery

Tonsil stones form in cracks in the tonsils like this one. They cause a bad tasteb and bad breath.
Tonsil stones and tonsillitis

Blocked nose and snoring
Snoring and dry mouth caused by chronic nose blockage

Blocked nose problems. Causes dry mouth, snoring, cough, loss of sense of smell
Here is a nasal polyp so big it is protruding out of this lady's nostril. She can't smell, taste or sleep. Thankfully this kind of...

Nose unblocking limited septoplasty in clinic with just local anaesthetic spray, using laser.
Nose unblocking laser surgery in clinic under local anaesthetic

Classic snorer's throat
Snoring is often made worse by an elongated palate and enlarged tonsils. Often the enlarged soft palate is caused by chronic snoring.

Tonsil stones. People don't like them.
Tonsil stones cause bad breath, bad taste and halitosis, plus they can trigger tonsillitis, acute and chronic.

Classic obstructed throat causing recurrent tonsillitis, blocked airway, snoring and sleep apnoea.
A very blocked upper throat due to large tonsils and a very thick and long uvula. This can be treated under local anaesthetic.

Laser turbinoplasty in clinic under local anaesthetic - nose unblocking
Laser turbinoplasty works well, but in this situation the patient had some pain so it was only half completed. As you can see the part...
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