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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery
Snoring #5. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray for snoring treatment. A lunchtime procedure that can be very effective.
Snoring #4. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Snoring treatment. A blocked nose is a very common finding in snorers it can be effectively treated with a combination of sprays and surgery
Snoring #3. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser.
Snoring treatment when the uvula and soft palate are very elongated. In this situation laser palatoplasty may be very effective.
Snoring#1. What can be done about it? A daily series of blogs by Mike Dilkes, ENT-laser. The rules:
Discussion of the options for snoring treatment from a multidisciplinary perspective.
A Classic Snorer's Soft Palate
Some snorers have a very long soft palate and uvula, in this situation a laser palatoplasty under local anaesthetic can be very helpful.
Tonsil stones cause discharge, bad taste, bad breath, sore throats and tonsillitis.
Tonsil stones are pieces of food and general mouth debris that lodge in cracks and holes in the tonsils. They are compressed into firm...
Blocked nose and snoring. A clinic based alternative to septoplasty.
Snoring is often due to nose blockage. Nose unblocking in the form of septoplasty can be involved and expensive. Here is an alternative idea
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