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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery
Tonsil Stones cause bad breath, bad taste and sore throats
Laser tonsil removal under local anaesthetic spray for tonsil stone eradication.
Tonsil stones form in cracks and holes in the tonsil and cause bad breath.
Tonsil stones cause bad breath. Laser Tonsillectomy removes the cracks and holes where they form. #halitosis
The best treatment for tonsil stones permanent removal in one go...
The best treatment for tonsillitis
Tonsil stones
Tonsil stones treatment and removal
Tonsil stones treatment. Stop bad breath / halitosis
Stop bad breath and tonsil stones. Laser tonsillotomy or resurfacing / cryptolysis.
Stop bad breath. It often has reversible causes.
Tonsil stones are an often overlooked cause of bad breath. They can be treated by laser removal of crypts and holes under local anaesthetic
Tonsil stones form in holes and cracks that can go deep into the tonsil.
Tonsil stones form in cracks and holes on the tonsil surface. They can cause a bad taste and bad breath.
Offline copy: How tonsil stones form
Tonsil stones
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