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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery
How tonsil stones form
The arrow shows a tonsil stone emerging from the front of the left tonsil. It's arising in a gap that has formed between the front of the...
Stop bad breath
Bad breath and halitosis caused by tonsil stones
How to get rid of tonsil stones
How to get rid of tonsil stones permanently, by using laser removal of the tonsils under local anaesthetic spray.
How to stop tonsil stones
How to remove tonsil stones under local anaesthetic spray by laser vapourisation. In clinic. A lunchtime procedure.
How to treat tonsil stones
Help get rid of tonsil stones
The best treatment for tonsil stones, if you want an instant result -how to get rid of tonsil stones
The gold standard operation for tonsil stones is traditional tonsillectomy. But it's expensive, dangerous and very painful.
Tonsil stones and bad breath
Tonsil stones are a cause of bad breath and halitosis.
Big tonsils can be lasered back to very small remnants.
Big tonsils cause lots of problems. They can be successfully shrunk right back by laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic spray.
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