Stop snoring. The soft palate and uvula are often implicatedStop snoring caused by a very long and thick uvula.
Stop postnasal drip, here is a pre and post view of the back of the nose.Postnasal drip and pressure sensation at the back of the nose.
How do I get rid of snoring? Stop snoring.If you are a loud snorer and have a long, thick, swollen uvula like this then there is a good chance a laser palatoplasty to remove this...
Nose unblocking for snorers and yoga practitionersSnorers often have a blocked nose. Yoga practitioners too. A simple solution is to perform turbinoplasty under local anaesthetic in clinic.
Snorer's throatThe dot is the retrolingual airway, which is very narrow. The thin arrow is the unusual v shaped epiglottis of the larynx (voice box)....