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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery
Cost of ENT consultation
The cost of seeing a top ENT specialist varies. Some consultants consider themselves more prestigious or skilled than others, and charge...
Tonsil stones can be quite deep in the tonsil, so you sometimes have to look hard.
Tonsil stones are sometimes quite deep within the tonsil.
Catkins, Hay Fever and Nasal Polyps
They are all related especially if your nose is causing trouble in the early season hay fever phase. If you see these bad boys, get on...
Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps are benign swelling of the nose lining. They are basically a severe form of rhinitis, a common problem often due to allergy...
Post nasal drip
Mucous runs down the back of the nose into the throat, as in this picture. It doesn't signify infection etc just overproduction of mucus.
Back of the nasal septum - approach to the pituitary fossa
This is the posterior end of the nasal septum as seen from a transoral approach behind the soft palate up into the postnasal space.
Tonsil stones don't always form in the tonsil
Tonsil stones can arise from a number of different areas in the throat. The vast majority do arise in the faucial or palatine tonsils....
Nose bleeds
Here's a bend in the nasal septal cartilage, also called a deviated nasal septum. It causes disruption to air flow, which leads to...
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