Private tonsillectomy costs, London
Costs for tonsillectomy
Intracapsular laser tonsillectomy under general anaesthetic
Tonsillectomy costs - how much does it cost to have a tonsillectomy?
Laser Tonsillectomy
Initial consultation, with endoscopy: £250 at HealthHub Clinic (more at private hospitals)
Laser tonsillectomy under general anaesthetic, as a daycase in a private hospital, including one follow up appointment: £4,000
Local anaesthetic laser tonsillectomy is £1250, more than one procedure may be required, £850 for a second procedure, £500 for a third (rare).
N.B. any subsequent procedures must be within 2 years of the 1st procedure.
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Laser tonsillectomy procedure summary
When do we recommend a tonsillectomy operation?
Laser surgery is a highly effective method of dealing with persistent tonsillitis or tonsil stones. We would recommend surgery after an initial consultation if we felt the procedure was the most effective course of action.
Where would the surgery take place?
In most instances the surgery would take place at Spire London East in North East London or at the HealthHub in South London.
What is the waiting time between consultation and procedure for a tonsillectomy?
Times may vary, but we can typically perform the operation on the same day as or within a few days of, the consultation.
Pre-operative information
The laser tonsillectomy operation takes place under general anaesthetic. Patients are required to not eat and drink in the 6 hours preceding the procedure, although clear water can be taken up to 3 hours pre-op. Patients are required to arrive at the Hospital at least two hours prior to their operation time slot.
How long does a laser tonsillectomy procedure take?
Time in surgery is typically 1 hour. This includes anaesthesia and recovery time, actual surgery time is around 20 minutes. The operation is typically done on a day surgery basis, meaning that in most cases patients will return home around 4 hours after their operation.
How long does it take to recover from a laser tonsillectomy operation?
Patients prefer surgery to be performed on a Friday, so the weekend is spent recovering, and Monday back to work. Post-operative pain on swallowing lasts for around 7 days, although most of our patients eat normally, as long as they take the painkillers given before they go home. Eating lots of toast, ice cream or any other specific food is NOT required. A normal diet will be fine.
Is a follow up consultation required and does this cost extra?
A follow up consultation is required and included in the fees but usually no further meetings are required thereafter. This typically takes place around four weeks after the surgery. If you experience unexpected follow up issues thereafter we would initially speak with you on the phone. If required we would book an extra follow up consultation which may be chargeable depending on circumstances.
Need more information on laser tonsillectomy?
See our Tonsils web page
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See our Tonsils FAQ page for answers to common questions related to tonsils, tonsillitis and laser surgery for tonsil treatment
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