
ENT Laser Surgery: Services & Specialisms
The team at Mike Dilkes' Clinic, based at HealthHub are allergy experts. We identify allergy problems, provide fast and affordable allergy testing and prescribe solutions to help treat allergies. After a full history, blood is taken for specific Immunoglobulin E testing (that's the allergy antibody). This is followed up with skin prick testing and treatment.
Dr Mike Dilkes provides the most current, optimal testing and treatments for a blocked nose, based on medical research and consultations with leading experts in the USA and Germany. Where possible, surgery is avoided, and a range of medications are used to treat symptoms of blockage, running and sneezing, along with loss of sense of smell and chronic cough. Sometimes surgical laser turbinectomy or turbinoplasty is required, along with septoplasty.
Dr Mike Dilkes specialised in head cancer, neck cancer and throat cancer treatment for 20 years in the NHS. He still sees and treats patients, surgery is now reserved for those with stage 1 disease. We recommend patients seek aconsultation as quickly as possible should early symptoms of Head and Neck cancer occur - pain, bleeding, lump, hoarseness, swallowing difficulty.
Catarrh is categorised as the feeling of a build-up of mucus typically at the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses. Some people experience it for months or years. On many occassions it can be succesfully treated with a variety of non-surgical therapy, including kinetic oscillatory stimulation. We also offer laser catarrh treatment (uvulectomy) which for 70% of clients offers a complete remedy.
Skin resurfacing is an ideal treatment for ageing and sun-damaged skin in patients who don’t need a face lift. They have lots of lines, but little true sagging. Skin resurfacing can also treat mild to moderate acne scarring and some cases of skin pigmentation. It is especially good for upper lip (smokers) lines, and lower eye wrinkles - these can be treated under local anaesthetic.
Laser vapourisation of moles is a popular and highly effective treatment performed under local anaesthetic . Laser surgery for moles and skin lumps provides a quick, painless, scar-less and stitch-less solution, particularly important when treating the face.
Snoring, sleepiness and sleep apnoea are common problems - becoming more severe with age and weight. Use this page to assess sleep issues faced by yourself and your family, understand snoring causes and measure your level of sleepiness.
Laser treatment of tonsils is proven to be one of the most effective and pain-free way of dealing with tonsil issues. Dr Mike Dilkes has treated many thousands of patients with tonsillitis, quinsy, tonsil stones, snoring, bad taste, bad breath all due to tonsil problems, and has performed thousands of treatments such as laser tonsillectomy and laser tonsillotomy.
The removal of tonsil stones is often a priority for sufferers - they can be painful and can cause bad breath/taste and recurrent sore throats. Dr Mike Dilkes specialises in treatments for tonsil stones and tonsillitis.